Celia Edell
Postes occupés
2021-2022 | Boursier-ère d'études supérieures, Éthique et politique |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
7 février 2022 | Séminaire des boursier.es d’études supérieures du CRÉ – 1ère séance |
22 avril 2022 | L’invivabilité et la précarisation du/des vivant·e·s : enjeux éthiques et philosophiques |
Celia Edell is a doctoral candidate in the philosophy department at McGill University. The main areas of her research are social and political philosophy, including social epistemology and identity theory, feminist theory, and critical philosophy of race. Under the supervision of Natalie Stoljar and Alia Al-Saji, Celia’s research examines problems of oppressive institutions, affects, and social relations despite widespread formal commitments to end oppression. She is interested in the structural dynamics underlying ongoing oppressions. Her dissertation, A Feminist Race-Critical Philosophy of Scapegoating, combines ethics and social critique to develop a philosophical theory of ‘scapegoating’. On Celia’s account, scapegoating is a structural mechanism of oppression that influences our social relations, institutional structures, affective habits, and group identities, all while remaining largely hidden from us.
Website: celiaedell.com