« Agential Power and Structural Power, Causal and Non-Causal »
Si la météo le permet, le premier Midi de l’éthique du CRÉ de l’année 2021-2022 sera tenu dehors, tout près des locaux du CRÉ. Plus d’informations suivront.
Présentation d’Arash Abizadeh, intitulée « Agential Power and Structural Power, Causal and Non-Causal ».
Many theorists of social power assume that agents’ power operates only by way of their intentional actions and their causal role in effecting outcomes. The former assumption is true of agential power, the latter of causal power, but neither is true of the social power of agents in general. Distinguishing between agential and structural power, I defend a notion of structural power as a type of passive power agents have in virtue of their position in a social structure and independently of their intentional actions. Distinguishing between causal and non-causal power, I also defend a non-causal type of power by which agents effect or propitiate outcomes without causing them. Agential and structural power, moreover, are internally related: structural power is in certain contexts latently agential.