Bill Fulford (University of Oxford)
Lors de la prochaine séance du Philosophy of Psychiatry Webinar, organisé par Anne-Marie Gagné-Julien et Sarah Arnaud du Groupe de recherche en philosophie de la psychiatrie, pour la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur l’iinjustice et l’agentivité épistémiques, Bill Fulford (University of Oxford) offrira une présentation intitulée « Linking Neuroscience with People: a Case Study in Values-based Practice and Person-centred Psychiatric Care ».
This presentation highlights through brief interactive exercises and a case study the role of values-based practice as one of the practical cutting edges of philosophy and psychiatry. The presentation is in two parts. Part I introduces values and values-based practice and describes how they underpin contemporary models of person-centred care based on shared clinical decision-making between clinicians and patients. Part II explores through a case study (of delusion and spiritual experience) the special challenges presented by these models for psychiatry focussing on the roles of values and values-based practice. The growing range of resources (both clinical and philosophical) for tackling these challenges is described. The presentation concludes with a ‘mental health first’ bottom line, arguing that psychiatry, just in virtue of the special values challenges presented by it, has a potentially leading role to play in establishing this model of person-centred care across medicine as a whole. The ‘next generation’ of philosophers and psychiatrists is already delivering on the promise of the model for twenty-first century person-centred clinical care.
La conférence sera donnée en anglais. La participation au webinaire est gratuite, mais l’inscription est obligatoire ici.