Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State University)
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Dans le cadre des conférences féministes, le CRÉ est heureux d’accueillir Cheshire Calhoun (Arizona State), qui offrira une présentation intitulée « Motivating Hope ».
Hope is often thought to play an important motivational role in sustaining practical pursuits under difficult conditions where the odds of success are quite low and/or when the pursuit encounters significant obstacles and set backs. Hope is thus important to our agency. The main goal of the paper is to get a clearer fix on (a) exactly what the motivational problem is in these kinds of cases, and (b) how hope addresses that motivational problem. I argue that the most obvious account of what the motivational problem is—viz. our own subjective probability assessment that success is (highly) unlikely—cannot be the correct account, in part because locating the motivational problem there yields unattractive accounts of how hope works to sustain practical pursuits. I suggest an alternative picture of what the motivational problem is and how hope works to overcome that problem.