Chrisoula Andreou (University of Utah)
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Le CRÉ est heureux d’accueillir Chrisoula Andreou, qui nous offrira une présentation intitulée « Why Temptation? ».
Human beings are susceptible to temptation. The aim of my talk is to suggest that there is good reason for this in the sense that susceptibility to temptation is not an anomaly, but is instead integral to a type of motivational system that is generally quite well suited to the task of balancing multiple ongoing goals. The type of system that I will be examining has not been focused on in philosophical discussions of temptation or in related philosophical discussions of instrumental rationality; but, as I will explain, the features of interest make sense of many prominent philosophical views about temptation, and are extremely relevant with respect to illuminating our susceptibility to temptation.