Christopher Howard (University of Arizona)
boul. Édouard-Montpetit, Montreal, QC H3T
Les membres du CRÉ sont heureux d’accueillir Christopher Howard (University of Arizona) qui offrira une présentation intitulée « Weighing Epistemic and Practical Reasons for Belief ».
The paper is about how epistemic and practical reasons for belief can be compared against each other when they conflict. I provide a model for determining what one ought to believe all-things-considered when there are conflicting epistemic and practical reasons. I argue that my model is superior to a recent model for comparing epistemic and practical reasons proposed by Andrew Reisner. My model has all the advantages of Reisner’s model but none of the costs. The distinction between epistemic and practical reasons for belief is plausibly a special case of the more general distinction between reasons for attitudes of the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ kinds. I conclude by arguing that my model for comparing epistemic and practical reasons can be generalized to provide a plausible model for determining what attitude one ought to hold, all-things-considered, when there are conflicting right- and wrong-kind reasons.