Ethics of Change International Student Conference
The way we live, and the norms, beliefs, and attitudes that shape our behavior are constantly changing. Much of that change is driven by people who refuse to accept the status quo and rise to ask critical questions about what is right and wrong in how governments, communities, and individuals treat others, including members of sexual, racial, religious, and other minorities, dissidents, people with disabilities, women, children, nonhuman animals, and the natural environment.
The Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ) in Montréal, Canada, will unite students from across the globe to come together to explore the ethical considerations around social and political activism, and strategies to achieve local and global change. The conference aims to allow students to exchange ideas across borders and make sustainable connections with each other as well as with the CRÉ.
Any student, postdoc, or faculty member affiliated with any college or university anywhere in the world is welcome to attend.
To participate via Zoom:
December 7th: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/88925996077?pwd=TWNaNWR1WURWcWVqcFBscURiV1BXUT09
December 8th: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/81344780663?pwd=YjlzdU5sL2FvQUVMQkpyekN2dmlBZz09.
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
7 AM (Houston)/8 AM (Montréal)/2 PM (Berlin)/3 PM (Cape Town, Tshwane, Makhanda, Lilongwe, Harare)/4 PM (Dar es Salaam)/6.30 PM (New Delhi)/7 PM (Dhaka): Welcoming remarks by the organizers & Ryoa Chung
8.30 AM (Montréal): Jackson Juma Coy (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania): The Impact of Adaptive Preference on Tanzanian Women’s Emancipation
9.15 AM (Montréal): Md. Masud Rana (University of Barishal, Bangladesh): Rights vs. Morality: Bangladesh’s LGBTQ Community
10.00 AM-10.30 AM (Montréal): Break/socializing
10.30 AM (Montréal): Nanda Harish (Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi, India): Questioning the Culture of Fat Phobia: A Commentary on the Systemic Marginalization of Plus-Sized People
11.15 AM (Montréal): Nkosikhona Baloyi (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe): What Fuels Mental Health Stigma?
Day ends at 11.00 AM (Houston)/Noon (Montréal)/6.00 PM (Berlin)/7.00 PM (Cape Town, Tshwane, Makhanda, Lilongwe, Harare)/8.00 PM (Dar es Salaam)/10.30 PM (New Delhi)/11.00 PM (Dhaka)
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
7 AM (Houston)/8 AM (Montréal)/2 PM (Berlin)/3 PM (Cape Town, Tshwane, Makhanda, Lilongwe, Harare)/4 PM (Dar es Salaam)/6.30 PM (New Delhi)/7 PM (Dhaka): Katharina Braun (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany): Animal Rights Activism, Undercover Footage, and the Public Interest
8.45 AM (Montréal): Roberta Mbewe (University of Malawi, Malawi): Burden Sharing in the Context of Global Environmental Pollution
9.30 AM (Montréal): Dimpho Moletsane (Rhodes University, South Africa): From Apartheid State to Rainbow Nation: The Great South African Nation-building Project
10.15 AM-10.30 AM (Montréal): Break/socializing
10.30 AM (Montréal): Bianca van Zyl (University of Cape Town, South Africa): The Ambiguous Ethics of Looting
11.15 AM (Montréal): Garth Elzerman (University of South Africa, South Africa): Free Speech’s Value Amidst Intense Calls for Social Change
Noon (Montréal): Concluding remarks by the organizers & announcement of the winner of the prize for the best presentation
Day ends at 11.15 AM (Houston)/12.15 (Montréal)/6.