Incarnation and the Secular: Charisma, Martyrdom and Media in XXIst Century Middle East.
Organized by Laure Guirguis, with the support of the CÉRIUM (Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal), the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the University of Montreal, the Canada Research Chair on Islam, Pluralism and Globalization, the CRÉ, the French CNRS, and the MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels).
27 Septembre 2.00-‐6.00 pm, pavillon Lionel Groulx, C-‐2059 Carrefour des Arts et Sciences, 3150 rue Jean Brillant, Université de Montréal
Discutante : Dyala Hamza, Université de Montréal
2.00-‐2.15 Frédéric Mérand, directeur du CÉRIUM, Laure Guirguis, Université de Montréal
2.15-‐2.45 Hamit Bozarslan, EHESS, Paris: Incarner la cause kurde: Qadi Muhammad, Mustafa Barzani et Abdullah Öcalan
2.45-‐3.15 Walid El-‐Khachab, York University, ON: Revolution, Renewal, and Perpetual Martyrdom: Dionysus and Hussein as Political Incarnations
3.15-‐3.45 Setrag Manoukian, McGill University: Experience and Mediation in Contemporary Iran
3.45-‐4.15 Pause
4.15-‐4.45 Jean-‐Claude Monod, ENS, Paris: « L’autorité du martyre » et ses effets politiques
4.45-‐6.00 Discussion
28 September 1.00-‐5.00 pm MAI café MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) 3680 Jeanne Mance Street
1.00-‐1.15 Laure Guirguis, University of Montreal
1.15-‐2.00 Christiane Gruber, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor “The Killer Government will Pay”: Martyrdom and the Gezi Resistance in Turkey
2.00-‐2.45 Michael Frishkopf, University of Alberta. The Social Power of “Shahid” in Egypt’s New Revolution
2.45-‐3.15 Coffee break
3.15-‐4.00 Esmail Nashef, University of Ben Gourion, Tel Aviv The Flesh of the Public: Dead Bodies in Palestinian Art
4.00-‐5.00 Roundtable and discussion