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Joan M. Gibson (PhD, philosopher and consultant in applied ethics)

Quand :
21 février 2018 @ 17:00 – 18:30
Où :
Room 3019, 3rd floor
7101 Av du Parc
Montréal, QC H3N 1X9

The Centre de recherche en éthique, Axe éthique et santé

And the Programmes de bioéthique, ESPUM

Invite you to an « Atelier de la Bioéthique », Brown-bag lunch presentation and discussion:

“Let’s Talk NOW: A Life Cycle Model for Advance Care Planning”

There are conversations we can have…NOW…to ensure that our health care wishes are both known and respected. While traditional Advance Care Planning has focused on signed Advance Directive documents, contemporary research and experience show that most important is appointing a designated health care decision maker, and having ongoing conversations about our health care values, starting in late adolescence, and continuing throughout our lives.

This presentation will introduce you to tools, many of them generated by The Conversation Project and the New Mexico Conversation Project that you can use to initiate and sustain these important conversations over time. Some questions to consider: Why should we have these conversations? What should we talk about and with whom? When should we start the conversation?  Who can speak for us if we are unable to do so for ourselves?

The presentation will review of available resources, and the following conversation will discuss the importance of Advance Care Planning throughout life, starting in mid-adolescence.


Joan M. Gibson, PhD, is a philosopher and consultant in applied ethics, bioethics, and values-based decision making. She has more than 30 years of teaching, training, consulting, and administrative work in a variety of settings: universities, business, state and federal government, healthcare, community, and research organizations.

She founded and directed the Health Sciences Ethics Program at the University of New Mexico, and developed with colleagues the Values History Form, the first “values inventory” approach to advance directives. Joan continues to work on ways to improve our health care decision-making skills throughout our lives. Joan speaks, trains and writes about values-based decision making, bioethics, advance care healthcare planning, and end of life decision making.

Three years ago, Joan McIver Gibson launched a statewide Conversation Project in New Mexico. Using resources developed by the national project Conversation Project, the New Mexico initiative targets several populations: young people, New Mexico’s Hispanic and Native American communities, and faith groups.