Leonie N. Bossert (Chair for Ethics, Theory and History of the Life Sciences at Tübingen University, Germany)

Quand :
29 novembre 2022 @ 12:00 – 13:15
Où :
Salle 309 du Stone Castle, UdeM, en mode hybride
2910 Édouard-Montpetit

Les membres du GRÉEA et du CRÉ sont heureux d’accueillir Leonie Bossert (Chair for Ethics, Theory and History of the Life Sciences at Tübingen University, Germany), qui offrira une présentation intitulée « AI and animals: Why nonhuman animals matter for AI ethics ».

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their fields of application are among the most debated developments of recent times. Although being widely discussed academically, publicly and in policy debates, certain aspects of their research, development and application are still rather ignored within the ‘mainstream’ debate, namely the impact AI technologies have on nonhuman animals.

The talk aims, firstly, at introducing the manifold ways in which the research, development as well as application of these technologies impact nonhuman animals. Therefore, it will be broadly differentiated between a) ‘Animals for AI’, highlighting the ways in which nonhuman animals are utilised to develop AI technologies, and b) ‘AI for Animals’, discussing AI applications that are used on or for nonhuman animal individuals.

Secondly, the ethical challenges that come along with these impacts will be discussed and evaluated. This discussion and evaluation is linked to the larger context of the human-animal relationship. Using the example of so-called speciesist biases in AI, it is explained to what extent AI technologies have the potential to reproduce existing speciesist assumptions, or, if programmed appropriately, to work against them.