Mika Tosca (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)

Quand :
21 avril 2022 @ 10:00 – 11:30
Où :

The Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI) and the GRÉEA are pleased to announce a jointly virtual colloquium:

Mika Tosca, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, « Imaging a post-climate-crisis future »

As the world burns and the climate crisis worsens, we must combine scientific expertise with art and design to both understand our present and imagine our future.

Registration Inscription : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsduusrTsvEtwrOSxAhu-VWU0nj6kzg1s2

Abstract Résumé

As the climate crisis intensifies amidst ongoing public skepticism, much of the science remains abstruse, cumbersomely documented, and opaquely presented, making engagement with it by “nonscientists” difficult. Perhaps this is the reason why a segment of the population continues to assert that human beings are not responsible for the observed 21st century climate change.

There exists, therefore, an exciting and necessary opportunity for scientists to collaborate with artists to not only improve the communication of climate science, but also to bolster the production of scientific knowledge. In this presentation I present the results of a collaborative project—inspired by that work—that combines the scientific method with the design process. This project elucidated the very real potential for art and design to dramatically improve the way climate research is conducted and communicated.

I also introduce work from three collaborative projects by undergraduate artists, which explore ways that art and design can help us to collectively imagine (and build) future worlds in the aftermath of the climate crisis.

Mika Tosca’s official website | Site officiel de Mika Tosca : http://micktosca.com/