Money from Nothing by Robert Hockett and Aaron James
Roundtable on Money from Nothing by Robert Hockett and Aaron James
Co-organised by Peter Dietsch for the Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ), Montréal, and Colin Macleod for the Victoria Colloquium
28th May 2021, 9h30-12h PST / 12h30-15h EST
(on zoom – link available upon registration by writing to uvicphil@uvic.ca)
9h30 PST / 12h30 EST
Presentation of the book by Robert Hockett and Aaron James
10 mins break
10h30 PST / 13h30 EST
Comments on identifying and respecting the inflationary limit
Gerald Epstein (Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Anna Stansbury (PhD candidate, Department of Economics, Harvard University)
Response by Hockett & James
10 mins break
11h20 PST / 14h20 EST
Comments on the decision procedure and legitimacy of an independent central bank what to use public money for
Jacqueline Best (School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa)
Jens van’ t Klooster (postdoctoral fellow, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Response by Hockett & James
Event ends 12pm PST / 3pm EST