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Moral Judgment: An Introduction through Anglo-American, German and French Philosophy

Les membres du CRÉ ont le plaisir d’accueillir Étienne Brown (San José State University in Silicon Valley, California), qui nous présentera son nouveau livre Moral Judgment: An Introduction through Anglo-American, German and French Philosophy, paru chez Rowman & Littlefield.

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This book is the first to introduce readers to contemporary philosophical works on moral judgement stemming from France, Germany and the Anglo-American world – many of which remain untranslated. By integrating Kantian and Aristotelian reflections on this subject, the author combines historiography and critical reflection to offer a rich picture of what it means to make good moral decisions. As both Kantians and Aristotelians argue, moral judgements are ultimately grounded in the normativity of practical identities. Thus, it is by identifying the obligations tied to the multiple dimensions of our identities (e.g., friend, teacher, romantic partner, citizen) that we can ultimately understand how we ought to act. Yet, Aristotle and Kant also remind us that doing so requires the acquisition of moral virtues which allow us to better discern practical reasons in concrete situations.