Pétition en ligne: Sauvez le Centre for Ethics de l’Université de Toronto

Quand :
20 juillet 2010 @ 6:06 – 7:06

Chers ami-e-s du Créum,

Le Centre for Ethics de l’Université de Toronto est sous la menace d’une fermeture imminente. Vous savez sans doute que nous sommes très proches de ce centre, intellectuellement certes, mais d’abord et avant tout humainement, puisque des amis de longue date sont fondateurs du Centre for Ethics. La réputation du Centre for Ethics est sans reproche, avec qui nous collaborons intensément depuis sa naissance, il y a cinq ans, en premier lieu par le biais de la conférence conjointe annuelle organisée à chaque printemps.

L’éventualité tragique, terriblement inquiétante, de la fermeture du Centre for Ethics sème la consternation au Créum. Il ne nous est pas permis de rester silencieux et c’est pourquoi nous faisons appel à votre soutien.

Merci donc de signer la pétition en ligne et de distribuer ce message.


L’équipe de travail du CRÉUM

Dear all,

The response of friends and allies of the Centre for Ethics to its impending closure has been nothing short of outstanding. Thanks to all of you who have sent letters to the Dean of Arts and Science, the Provost, and President of the University of Toronto urging them to reverse their decision, and to those who have joined our Facebook group.

This fight is far from over, however. Building on these individual expressions of support, we have now launched an online petition as a medium through which to communicate our collective outrage at this decision and to enjoin the Faculty to overturn it. The petition can
be found at:


The preamble offers a more precise look at the rationale being offered publicly for this move by the Faculty and our response. Please join us in fighting this wrongheaded and shortsighted decision by adding your name to the petition.

To those of you who have yet to write your own letters but would like to, there is still time. The Dean, Provost and President can be contacted at these addresses:

President David Naylor
Provost Cheryl Misak
Dean Meric Gertler

Thanks to all of you for your attention and support.

Erica Frederiksen
Ph.D. Candidate (ABD)
Department of Political Science
University of Toronto