Reinventing Morality: A History of American Political Thought since the 1950s
Avenue McGill College
Montréal, QC
Research Workshop on / Atelier de recherche sur
Reinventing Morality: A History of American Political Thought since the 1950s Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop with / avec Katrina Forrester
The Groupe de recherche en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) is pleased to announce a one-day workshop dedicated to the 2016 winner of the Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop Award, “Reinventing Morality: A History of American Political Thought since the 1950s,” by Katrina Forrester of Queen Mary University of London. | Le Groupe de recherche en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) est content de vous informer de la tenue d’un atelier d’une journée complète dédié au manuscrit «Reinventing Morality: A History of American Political Thought since the 1950s » par Katrina Forrester, Queen Mary University de Londres, lauréate du prix 2016 de l’atelier de philosophie politique de Montréal.
Format: To maximize the quality of discussion, participants are expected to have read the manuscript beforehand. The workshop comprises four sessions dedicated to the manuscript. Each session will begin with brief critiques of chapters of the manuscript, followed by a brief response by the author and general discussion.
Format : pour maximiser la qualité des discussions, on demande aux participants de lire le manuscrit au préalable. L’atelier comprendra quatre séances de discussions critiques sur le manuscrit ; chacune d’entre elles commencera sera lancée par des commentaires critiques d’une des sections du manuscrit, suivi d’une courte réponse de l’auteur et d’une discussion générale.
Registration : The workshop is open to everyone, but attendance is by registration and limited in number. RSVP the workshop coordinator Helen Baker:<helen.baker@mail.mcgill.ca> | Inscription : L’atelier est ouvert à tous, mais l’inscription préalable est requise étant donné le nombre limité de places. RSVP la coordinatrice de l’atelier Helen Baker:<helen.baker@mail.mcgill.ca>
9:30 Welcome / accueil
9:45 – 11:30 Présidente: Dominique Leydet (philosophie, UQAM) 1. Making the Rules: John Rawls Before A Theory of Justice Commentator: Victor Muñiz-Fraticelli (law, McGill) 2. Breaking the Rules: Obligation in the 1960s Commentator: Will Roberts (politics, McGill)
11:30 – 13:00 Lunch / Dîner
13:00 – 14:45 Chair: Travis Smith (politics, Concordia) 3. War and Responsibility: Citizenship and Liberties in the Vietnam War Commentator: Briana McGinnis (RGCS, McGill) 4. Going Global: Rules, Persons and International Justice Commentateur: Andrei Poama (CRE, Montréal)
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee Break / pause café
15:00 – 16:45 Présidente: Ryoa Chung (philosophie, Montréal) 5. Looking Forward: The Problem of the Future in the 1970s Commentator: Jacob Levy (politics, McGill) 6. Principles, Persons and the Challenge to Liberal Philosophy Commentateur: Charles Blattberg (politique, Montréal)
19:00 Dinner / Souper