Relational Equality in the Division of Labor
Dans le cadre de ses midis de l’éthique, le CRÉ reçoit Denise Celentano qui offrira une présentation intitulée « Relational Equality in the Division of Labor ».
Organizations are hierarchical social spaces that generate and distribute valuable resources, such as income, social status, opportunities for recognition, room for autonomy, meaningful work. Different from the market and political institutions and yet irreducible to individuals, they are crucial sources of durable relational inequalities. Raising normative concerns that exceed the economic and the legal sphere, they call for a distinctively philosophical investigation. How do we identify morally objectionable divisions of labor in organizations? What organizational forms are preferable? What do members of organizations owe to each other? In this talk, I address these questions by considering the case of the unequal division of necessary unskilled labor. Unlike most normative accounts of work, which focus on values such as individual autonomy and subjective self-realization or on inequalities of material assets between capital and labor, I provide relational egalitarian reasons for which this organizational form is objectionable and should be transformed. Whereas most relational egalitarian accounts of work have focused on workplace democracy as a solution, I consider other complementary strategies to make the division of labor more consistent with the ideal of a society of equals.
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