Matthew Hunt
Associate Professor, McGill University, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy.
Postes occupés
2016-2017 à aujourd'hui | Co-chercheur-se, Éthique et santé |
2014-2015 à 2016-2017 | Membre collaborateur-trice, Éthique et santé |
2008-2009 à 2010-2011 | Chercheur-se postdoctoral-e, Éthique et santé |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
8 avril 2010 | Éthique contemporaine: colloque conjoint avec le Centre for Ethics de l’U. de Toronto |
28 avril 2011 | Débat public sur les déterminants sociaux en santé |
1 novembre 2012 | Colloque « L’avenir de l’éthique » à l’occasion des 10 ans du CRÉUM |
22 juin 2022 | « Sciences, médias & démocratie » |
27 avril 2023 | Vaccine Hesitancy: Science and Society |
Matthew Hunt, PT, PhD, Associate Professor, McGill University, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy. Matthew is a physiotherapist who has practiced in Montreal, North Africa and the Balkans, and has worked as a clinical ethics consultant at four rehabilitation hospitals in Montreal. He completed his MSc and PhD in Experimental Medicine at McGill University with a focus on bioethics and humanitarian emergencies. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University, and the Centre for Research on Ethics, Université de Montréal, before joining McGill faculty in 2011.
Matthew’s research interests are at the intersections of ethics, rehabilitation and global health. He co-leads the Humanitarian Health Ethics Research Group ( and McGill’s Global Health Rehabilitation Initiative.
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