Toward an Elegiac (Bio)Ethics: The Case of Makayla Sault
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Dans le cadre de ses midis de l’éthique, le CRÉ présente Stuart J. Murray, chercheur invité affilié à l’axe Éthique et santé.
In May 2014, on the Mississauga-Ojibwe reserve of New Credit First Nation, eleven-year-old Makayla Sault, living with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, reported that she was withdrawing from chemotherapy treatments in favour of pursuing Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo, Indigenous medical therapies administered by a traditional healer on the Six Nations. This presentation offers a critical analysis of the colliding ethical claims to life and to care in the case of Makayla Sault within the frame of law and biomedicine. The ethical scene is complicated because bio-medico-legal discourses are tangled up in colonial histories at the intersection of religion, traditional Aboriginal cultures, medicine, capital, law, and the politics of autonomy and sovereignty. Refusing to pass (ethical) judgement on the case, the presentation instead explores the rhetorical conditions by which certain lives—and deaths—will appear as timely or untimely, and how the tropes of life and life-time often unreflectively inform medico-legal and (bio)ethical regimes.
Image by Slimymoss (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/