Legalizing Marijuana in Canada: Policy Challenges
IHSP Annual Conference
April 26 & 27 2018
Moot Court
McGill Faculty of Law
Chancellor Day Hall
3644 Peel Street,
Montreal H3A 1W9
This conference is a chance to reflect on the broad societal implications and policy challenges of the Canadian federal government’s decision to legalize marijuana and to learn from the experience of states and jurisdictions that have undergone similar legislative change. The conference will examine all aspects of the policy challenges that face Canada as it moves to legalize marijuana – from clinical considerations to do with health, to public safety, to Canada’s international legal obligations and the economic and political implications of legalization. We will hear from academics, policy-makers and high-ranking government officials from Canada, Portugal and Uruguay.
PLENARY SPEAKERS: João Castel-Branco Goulão, General Directorate for Intervention Addictive Behaviours and Dependancies, Portugal, Leonardo Costa, Brum & Costa, Uruguay and Ethan Nadelmann, Ex Director, Drug Policy Alliance, USA.
Organization: Daniel Weinstock.
The full conference schedule is coming soon, in the meantime, click here to view the panels and speakers (including Vardit Ravitsky).