Brian Lucas (ILR School, Cornell University)
2910 Édouard-Montpetit
Les membres du CRÉ sont heureux.ses d’accueillir Brian Lucas (professeur adjoint à l’ILR School, Cornell University), qui nous offrira une présentation intitulée « Intergenerational Hypocrisy: When an Organization’s Past Limits its Legitimacy to Act in the Present ».
Organisation: Celia Chui et Dominic Martin.
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People are considered hypocrites when they fail to practice what they preach. In the current research we explore whether organizations are held to similar standards across generations of leadership. We predicted that an organization’s words and deeds are perceived as hypocritical when they are inconsistent with those in the organization’s distant past. Further, we predicted that perceived hypocrisy would reduce the perceived legitimacy of the organization’s present actions. Across four studies (total N = 3,349), an organization was perceived as hypocritical when its words or deeds (e.g., requesting debt relief in the present day) were inconsistent with those of the organization’s past leadership (e.g. opposing debt relief 60 years prior). We found that perceptions of intergenerational hypocrisy decrease the perceived legitimacy of the organization’s present-day actions (Studies 1-3) and increase protest intentions against the organization (Study 2). We also explore boundary conditions to attenuate the effect (Study 4). This research broadens the scope of hypocrisy research by exploring hypocrisy as a group-level phenomenon across generations of leadership, advances research on the perception of organizations, and suggests when and why an organization’s present-day actions might be tethered to its past.