Séminaire CDIM de Ron Schmidt sur le pluralisme culturel

Quand :
6 décembre 2005 @ 11:40 – 12:40

Toward Sustainable Cultural Pluralism : The Role of International Migration

Conférence de Ron Schmidt

Sixth Session of The Complex Dynamics of International Migration Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Conceptualization of the Migration Phenomenon

2005-2006 Scientific Seminar of the Canada Research Chair on International Migration Law

La conférence se donnera en anglais.


13h00 à 16h00
3744, rue Jean-Brillant,
Salle des finances, 6ème étage, salle 613

What is « cultural pluralism, » and what is it not ?

Why is cultural pluralism valuable ? (for individuals ? for cultural communities ? for nation-states ?) How does international migration contribute to cultural pluralism, both short-term and long-term ? What kinds of public policies are necessary for sustainable cultural pluralism ? Dr Ronald Schmidt (Professor of Political Science at California State University, Long Beach) currently holds the Fullbright-Enders Visiting Research Chair at the Center for International studies of the University of Montreal.

Professor Schmidt’s current research program is focused on the incorporation of immigrants in both the United States and Canada, and he is the lead author of a book manuscript (in progress) on the impact of ecent immigrants on U.S. ethno-racial politics. His book, Language Policy and Identity Politics in the United States (Temple University Press, 2000) received the “Best Book Award” of the Section on Race, Ethnicity and Politics of the American Political Science Association.