Basic Income Podcasts – Baladodiffusion du colloque sur le revenu citoyen
Vous trouverez sur cette page des extraits audio du colloque international sur le revenu citoyen, qui s’est tenu à l’Université McGill, les 15 et 16 avril 2010.
You will find below the audio podcasts of the international conference on Basic Income, that took place at the McGill University on April 15 and 16, 2010.
Montage: Martin Blanchard – Musique: tintamar
Louise Haagh, University of York & BIEN
Basic Income and Public Finance
Louise Haagh
Guy Standing, University of Bath & BIEN
Basic Income for the Precariat
Guy Standing
Political Forum with Amélie Chateauneuf, spokesperson FCPASQ; Tony Martin MP; Rob Rainer, Executive Director Canada Without Poverty; Al Sheahen, Committee Member USBIG and Senator Hugh Segal, Deputy Chair of the Subcommittee on Cities. Chair: Sheila Regehr, Director National Council for Welfare
The Politics of a Universal Basic Income Grant
Senator Eduardo Suplicy, São Paulo, Brazil & BIEN
Steps Towards a Citizen’s Basic Income
Senator Eduardo Suplicy
Sampling de la boîte musicale gracieuseté de sazman