Iwao Hirose
Associate professor at McGill University.
Postes occupés
2014-2015 à aujourd'hui | Co-chercheur-se, Éthique fondamentale |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
23 novembre 2007 | Atelier de philo politique: Iwao Hirose |
6 octobre 2009 | Conférence de Iwao Hirose |
26 novembre 2010 | Table ronde du GRIN: « Moral Aggregation » d’Iwao Hirose |
7 décembre 2017 | “Measuring the badness of death: Semi-Epicurean analysis and its implications” |
23 janvier 2020 | Séminaire des boursier.e.s d’études supérieures du CRÉ – 1ère séance |
27 octobre 2023 | Moral Theory and the Challenge of Future People |
I am associate professor at McGill. I have been working in lovely Montreal since 2007. Before that, I was employed at University College, Oxford and Harvard University. I also held visiting posts at University of Melbourne; Universite Catholique de Louvain; University of Stockholm; University of Tokyo; St Anne’s College, Oxford; New York University; Fondation Brocher; College d’Etudes Mondiales, Paris. The area of my research is axiology and its applicaitons to public policy: in other words, ethics and some parts of political philosophy and economics.