Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
Postes occupés
2022-2023 à aujourd'hui | Membre collaborateur-trice, Éthique et santé |
2020-2021 | Chercheur-se postdoctoral-e, Éthique et santé |
2013-2014 | Boursier-ère d'études supérieures, Éthique et santé |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
12 février 2021 | 2e journée d’étude en éthique de l’IA CRÉ+OBVIA – Éthique des algorithmes |
2 février 2024 | 5e journée d’étude en éthique de l’IA CRÉ-OBVIA : Surveillance |
Thèmes Phares
Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, PhD, is an expert in bioethics whose research lies at the interface of health policies, citizen and patient engagement in research and health governance, as well as business practices. His professional experience, working in both the pharmaceutical industry and the government, provided him with an insider’s understanding of the ethical, policy and social dimensions of health technology development and assessment. Dr. Bélisle-Pipon seeks to examine the most pressing ethical issues of our time (e.g., artificial intelligence, health technology assessment, conflicts of interest, science advising to government) and to accompany academics and policy-makers in better engaging the general public in thinking and contributing to solve these issues. As part of his research, he makes recommendations on the appropriate management and resolution of ethical issues for health regulators and industry decision-makers.
After being awarded a PhD in bioethics from Université de Montréal, Dr. Bélisle-Pipon pursued his research at the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School as a Visiting Researcher (2017-2020). He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Ethics and Health research axis of the CRÉ as part of the 2020-2021 cohort.
His scientific articles have been published in journals such as Bioethics, Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, Healthcare Policy, American Journal of Bioethics, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, and Nature Medicine. His research is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Fonds de recherche du Québec–Santé, and the Québec SPOR SUPPORT Unit. His postdoctoral fellowship at CRÉ was cosupervised by Daniel Weinstock (McGill) and Marc-Antoine Dilhac (UdeM).
Dr. Bélisle-Pipon is heavily engaged in research governance. Since 2014, he is acting as a trainee adviser to the Québec Chief Scientist, Rémi Quirion, and he has been nominated on the Board of Directors of the Québec Health Research Fund. Last year, he was elected on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Bioethics, and most recently, he has been appointed on the International Advisory Board of Canada’s SPOR Evidence Alliance.