Marie-Chantal Fortin
Assistant clinical professor at the department of medicine, Université de Montréal.
Postes occupés
2018-2019 à aujourd'hui | Co-chercheur-se, Éthique et santé |
2014-2015 à 2017-2018 | Chercheur-e associé-e, Éthique et santé |
Marie-Chantal Fortin, M.D, Ph. D., FRCPC, is an assistant clinical professor at the department of medicine, Université de Montréal.
She is also a physician at the division of nephrology, CHUM.
Dr. Marie-Chantal Fortin co-lead the Patient-Researcher Partnership Platform of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program.
Her research interests are related to ethical issues in organ donation and transplantation, particularly organ donation after medical aid in dying, justice and organ allocation, living kidney donation and participation of compatible pairs in kidney paired donation programs. She also conduct research in the field of patient-researcher partnership.