Phoebe Friesen
Assistant professor at the division of ethics and policy, Department of Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University.
Postes occupés
2020-2021 à aujourd'hui | Co-chercheur-se, Éthique et santé |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
19 février 2021 | On the placebo effect |
11 mai 2021 | « Qui en est responsable ? / Who’s Responsible for This? » |
26 octobre 2023 | « Consent, Pelvic Exams, and Medical Training » |
29 mai 2024 | Colloque international « Epistemic Oppression and Decolonization » |
Thèmes Phares
Pheobe Friesen is an assistant professor, division of ethics and policy, Department of Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University.
Her research interests are the following: medical ethics, the placebo effect, psychiatric research, participatory research, feminist philosophy of science, critical psychiatry, health disparities, research ethics oversight.
Phoebe Friesen is a philosopher and medical ethicist who works within the Division of Ethics and Policy and the Department of Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University. Her work engages with ethical and epistemic issues related to the production and implementation of knowledge in the health sciences, drawing on feminist philosophy of science, ethics scholarship, and methodologies from the social sciences.