Robert Dillon
Postes occupés
2020-2021 | Boursier-ère d'études supérieures, Éthique et politique |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
11 janvier 2021 | Séminaire des boursier.e.s d’études supérieures du CRÉ – 1ère séance |
11 mai 2021 | « Qui en est responsable ? / Who’s Responsible for This? » |
Thèmes Phares
At the time of being an CRÉ awardee, Robbie Dillon was a master’s student in the philosophy department at Concordia University. His interests and topics of research included recognition theory, epistemic injustice, trust and responsibility, Indigenous political philosophy, and the myriad connections between all of the above.