Sujaya Dhanvantari
Postes occupés
2021-2022 à 2022-2023 | Chercheur-se postdoctoral-e, Éthique et politique |
Participations aux événements du CRÉ
16 novembre 2022 | « Fanon and Unliveability » |
Sujaya Dhanvantari is a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Philosophy at McGill University, under the direction of Alia Al-Saji. Her specializations are 20th-century existentialism, phenomenology, and social and political philosophy, especially the writings of Frantz Fanon and Simone de Beauvoir, as well as critical race, decolonial, and feminist philosophies. Her work revisits the racial and colonial pasts and histories that shape and influence the lived experiences of racialized and colonized peoples in the present.
She is currently engaged in two areas of research: 1) the study of Frantz Fanon’s psychiatric writings to develop a critical phenomenological account of intergenerational trauma vis-à-vis racism and colonialism, and 2) a critical reframing of the ontologies and epistemologies of gender along racial and colonial lines with the goal of offering not only a perspective on their political uses in racializing and colonizing projects, but also the possibility of transforming gender from an oppressive tool of colonial and imperial power into a philosophical concept and liberatory political tool of emancipation and decolonization.