Workshop on “Emotion, Responsibility, and Agency” (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China)
Christine Tappolet will be the guest speaker of the 3rd Workshop on Philosophy of Emotion, with the theme “Emotion, Responsibility, and Agency”, organized by Dong An and Zhongwei Li. The in-person event will be held on April 13-14 2024, on the premises of the School of Philosophy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Emotions play a central role in our moral responsibility practices as well as interfere with our agency. On the one hand, in the moral responsibility literature, the prominent Strawsonian accounts have been focused on appealing to reactive attitudes to account for our moral responsibility practices. Attitudes such as blame, anger, praise, and gratitude have been assigned essential roles in the attribution of moral responsibility. On the other hand, it has been argued that emotions can enhance and also can threaten our agency in terms of participating in our practical reasoning processes. As a result, the relationship between emotions and autonomous agency has become a crucial issue in philosophy of action. This workshop aims to explore the nature of these emotional attitudes and their relationship to moral responsibility and agency.
A call for proposals is circulating. Abstracts of 750-1,000 English words long prepared for anonymous review and suitable for a 30 minute presentation should be sent to emotionworkshop2024@gmail.com by Oct 31, 2023. If you have any questions, you may contact Dong An (zzzantonia@zju.edu.cn). Decision of acceptance: Feb 29, 2024.