“Ce que l’ignorance nous apprend. Trois mécanismes de production de l’ignorance et les moyens de les enrayer dans le domaine de l’alimentation””
Baptiste Godrie et Aude Bandini publient un nouvel article intitulé “Ce que l’ignorance nous apprend. Trois mécanismes de production de l’ignorance et les moyens de les enrayer dans le domaine de l’alimentation“, dans Anthropologie of Food.
This article analyzes the uses and relevance of the concept of ignorance in contemporary food research. We distinguish three mechanisms of production of ignorance : 1) we approach ignorance as an individual psychological spring in situations of cognitive dissonance in the « meat paradox » ; 2) we analyze the manufacture of doubt organized by some actors in the US agri-food industry, trying to influence the scientific debate and the general public’s representation of the effects of sugar on health ; 3) we consider ignorance as epistemicide by analyzing the processes that have presided and continue to preside over the disappearance of traditional food knowledge held by Canada’s aboriginal peoples. In each case, we point out actions or initiatives to stop these mechanisms of production of ignorance.