Human Development & Capability Associations
Human Development & Capability Associations’ Global Dialogue Week (13-17 Nov 2023)
Meet-the-Editors Panel: the state of capabilities research
Tuesday 14 Nov 2023 at 16.30-18.00 (GMT) [17.30-19.00 CET].
(Organised by the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network)
This panel brings together editors from various journals that publish capabilities (CA) research. Together with the incoming Journal of Human Development and Capabilities editor Alejandra Boni Aristizábal, and moderated by the exiting editor and HDCA president-elect Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, our panel of editors will discuss the state of CA research from each of their journal’s focus and editorial standpoint. Discussion will map the progression of how capabilities research has been received and the various directions it is presently heading towards. The session will also provide insights into some of the challenges authors face when publishing CA research, along with the considerations from the editors’ perspectives on publishing work that focuses on the capabilities approach. Time permitting, discussions might also enter into the changing publication landscape with open access publications, as well as how AI is disrupting or innovating academic publishing.
In addition to the editors from the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, our panel includes Filomena Maggino Editor-in-chief of Social Indicators Research, Martin van Hees Advisory/Senior editor of Economics and Philosophy, Lori Keleher Editor of Journal of Global Ethics, as well as Rafael Ziegler Associate Editor of Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. Together they shall share their various perspectives on the state of capabilities research along with the progress and challenges of publishing work focusing on the capabilities approach within the disciplinary scope of their journals.
Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, HDCA president-elect and exiting Editor of Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Alejandra Boni Aristizábal, incoming Editor of Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Filomena Maggino, Editor-in-chief of Social Indicators Research
Martin van Hees, Advisory/Senior editor of Economics and Philosophy
Lori Keleher, Editor of Journal of Global Ethics
Rafael Ziegler, Associate Editor of Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
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