Call for Submissions: The Second Annual Laval “Everything Agency” Conference 2025
Venue: Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Date: April 24-25 2025
The second Annual ULaval Everything Agency Conference will be held at Laval University, Québec City, Canada. The conference aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical aspects of agency: philosophy of action, philosophy of emotions, epistemology, normative ethics, normativity broadly construed, meta-ethics and ethical theory in connection to agency, political philosophy, political science, foundational issues in artificial intelligence, and philosophy of biology. In addition to the keynote talks, there will be eight slots for papers selected through the call for papers.
Keynote speakers:
- Michael Bratman (Stanford University)
- Agnes Callard (University of Chicago)
- Jane Friedman (New York University)
- Alex Worsnip (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
We invite submissions of abstracts on the general theme of the conference. Among possible topics are intentional action, coherence constraints on intention and other attitudes, the normativity of attitudes, norms and reasons for mental attitudes (including emotions and belief), the rationality of mental attitudes, sources of norms and rationality, epistemic agency, foundational issues in ethical and political theory, degrees of agency, political agency, agency in artificial intelligence, roots of agency and philosophy of biology, formal representations of agency, agency and knowledge, agency and norms of belief, emotional agency. This is not an exhaustive list of possible topics for selected talks.
Submitted abstracts should be 750 words long and be prepared for blind review. Abstracts have to be submitted electronically to the following email address: everythingagency@ulaval.ca. The deadline for the submission is October 1, 2024.
Speakers of accepted papers will be invited to the conference reception and will have two nights of accommodation provided on the campus of ULaval University. Further help for travel expenses might be available, particularly for selected speakers from underrepresented groups.
We would like to encourage, in particular, submissions from members of underrepresented groups.
Everyone is welcome to the conference; attendance is free, but registration is required. Please register by email at everythingagency@ulaval.ca. The deadline for registration is April 18, 2025.
Organizers: Artūrs Logins (ULaval) (arturs.logins@fp.ulaval.ca), Catherine Rioux (ULaval) (catherine.rioux@fp.ulaval.ca), and Nathan Howard (UToronto) (nathan.howard@utoronto.ca).
Website: https://www.fp.ulaval.ca/laval-everything-agencylagentivite-dans-tous-ses-etats