Call for papers

Deadline: December 1, 2021

Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum invites submissions pertaining to all the domains of ethics, in particular: fundamental ethics, ethics and politics, bioethics and health, ethics and economy, ethics and environment.

Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum is the bilingual journal (French and English) of the Centre for research in ethics (CRE), and publishes three issues per year entirely accessible on the web.

Our journal is indexed in Philosopher’s Index, Philpapers.org, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals, Portail BiblioSHS of the INIST and Papyrus, and in many other catalogues that scan the data of these catalogues.

Published texts will be selected among the best through double-blind refereeing.


-Texts from approximately 6000 to 12000 words
– Font must be Times New Roman, 12 points.
– Notes will be placed at end of text and not end of page.
– Include an abstract 0f 200 words max. in English and French.
Detailed instructions to authors are available at this address. Papers not following these will be automatically rejected.

Article submission

Articles should be submitted via email at jean-philippe.royer@umontreal.ca