GRIN Master’s and Doctoral Grants 2022-2023
The Interuniversity Normativity Research Group (GRIN) is offering approximately 15 grants of a maximum of $3000 for master’s and doctoral students.
The GRIN is composed of 20 researchers interested in the philosophical study of normativity; a study characterized by its variety as well as its importance. In effect, various questions about normativity take center stage in numerous debates in contemporary philosophy. The GRIN therefore gathers researchers in ethics, philosophy of action, philosophy of mind, as well as philosophy of psychiatry and epistemology.
The GRIN is accepting applications from candidates who work under the supervision of any member of the research group*, and whose area of research addresses the sorts of questions articulated in the GRIN’s current program of research:
1. Normativity and rationality
2. Normativity and affectivity
3. Normativity and society
· The applicant must be enrolled in full-time studies in their program during the period covered by the grant.
· The applicant must be working under the supervision of a regular member of the GRIN.*
· The applicant must have a working knowledge of French and English.
Grant objectives:
· Provide support for graduate studies in the philosophy of normativity, encourage students to be involved in a research group.
Grant amount and duration:
· Each grant is of a maximum of $3000 and covers the 2022-23 academic year. It may be conjoined with grants or scholarships from other granting institutions.
· Grant payments are made in two instalments, the first in fall, the second in winter. The second instalment is conditional to participation to the group’s activities during the fall term.
Recipient obligations:
1. Conduct a research project in accordance with the one submitted at the time of their application.
2. Have a clear plan (100 to 300 words) to encourage collaborations between GRIN members (students or professors). This plan may include one or more of the following:
A. Participate in scientific activities organized by GRIN (workshops, seminars, symposia).
B. Take part in the daysspecially planned for fellows (presentation of research projects, training workshops, scholarship day at the end of the year).
C. Have a personalized activity plan: special collaborations with a GRIN researcher, reading groups, manuscript review groups, co-writing of an article with a GRIN member, participation at least as a commentator of a more advanced student in the ca dre of the day of the boursier.es. All initiatives are welcome!
Application file:
· The attached form completed.
· A letter of motivation specifying the research interests and their link with the question of normativity,as well as the plan for collaboration in intellectual life within GRIN.
· Research proposal (maximum 1 page).
· A note from the research supervisor to attest that he or she has read and approves of the research proposal.
· CV in which the student has to indicate what other funds he or she will have during the period covered by the GRIN grant.
Selection criteria:
· Quality of applicant’s letter of intent
· Academic record
· Relevance of applicant’s research project to the GRIN’s research goals
Please send applications by email to: grin.normativity@gmail.com
For additional information: aude.bandini@
Application deadline: August 31, 2022.
Only completed applications submitted by this date and time will be considered.
* To find out which regular GRIN members can supervise a master’s or doctoral research, visit the GRIN website.