Graduate students scholarships CRÉ 2022-2023
The Centre for Research in Ethics (CRE) launches its scholarships competition for the academic year 2022-2023. The Centre is offering five (5) scholarships worth up to $5,000 each. These scholarships are intended for graduate students (pursuing a masters or doctoral degree) under the supervision of a regular member of the Center. The scholarships will be accompanied by a formal obligation for the laureates to participate to the activities of the Center, to present their work in a seminar, as well as to co-organize an academic conference, to be held at the in Spring 2023. This important scientific activity will necessitate a considerable availability from the organizing committee. Its members will be expected to be dynamic and to show leadership and initiative.
The mission of the CRE is to contribute to interdisciplinary research and to the excellence of education in the areas of theoretical and applied ethics. We encourage applications from students working in various disciplines, provided that their research subject is directly related to ethical issues (including, but not limited to: foundations of ethics and its main concepts, normative dimensions of professional ethics, public policy and social practices in areas such as health, law, management of the natural and human environment, trade, social and cultural diversity, artificial intelligence, etc.). The CRÉ is a bilingual interuniversity research group. Anglophones and francophones are welcome.
To submit an application, the following documents must be provided:
- this form properly filled out;
- a cover letter;
- a project description (max 1000 words);
- transcripts for graduate studies;
- a curriculum vitae;
- two letters of recommandation (directly sent by the referees to CRE by email to valery.giroux@umontreal.ca, before deadline).
Candidates writing their dissertation or thesis will be given priority. Although scholarships can be accumulated, the research projects that are not already well funded may also be preferred. The scholarship may not be granted more than once for the same research project.
Everything must be submitted no later than Friday, September 30th 2022.
The application (.pdf files) must be sent by email to: valery.giroux@umontreal.ca.
You should receive an acknowledgment of receipt within 48hrs following delivery of your file. If you don’t, you must contact Valery Giroux by email (valerygiroux@gmail.com).