Recording of the dialogue “Penser l’authenticité dans un monde en mouvement avec Eboussi Boulaga”, now available on Radio-CRÉ!
Archive | News of CRÉ
RSS feed for this sectionRussia-NATO tensions: is Europe in danger?
Frédéric Mérand recently took part in the radio program [in French] “Ça s’explique”.
The luxury of protecting yourself from bad news
Ryoa Chung is quoted by Nathalie Collard in a column [in French] in La Presse.
“Hope: a solution to the puzzle of difficult action”
New article from Catherine Rioux (Université Laval), published in Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
“Those Fleeing States Destroyed by Climate Change Are Convention Refugees”
New article by Jonathan Simon, co-written with Heather Alexander, published [online] in the journal Biblioteca della libertà.
“Who’s Afraid of Philosophy of Emotion?”
Laura Silva (Université Laval) will be giving a keynote talk at the Society for Affective Science’s annual conference.
“Feminist Philosophy of Emotion”
For the APA – Central Division Meeting in New Orleans, Laura Silva is organizing a symposium on Feminist Philosophy of Emotion
“Fondamentalisme islamique et terrorisme islamiste en Afrique: cas de Boko Haram au Nigéria et au Cameroun”
Conférence de Brice Arsène Mankou, professeur de Sociologie à l’Université de Rouen Normandie et chercheur invité au CRÉ.
“Representing Humanity? The Role of Museums in Addressing Colonial Alienation”
New publication by Catherine Lu.
« Qui est responsable de l’IA responsable? »
Call for communication, Acfas conference, organized by Roxanne Lépine, Marc-Antoine Dilhac, and Thomas Adetou.
“Verquin: ville de la mémoire et de l’amitié franco-congolaise”
Brice Arsène Mankou’s contribution to a special issue of Cahier du CEDIMES.
« L’Europe et la surveillance des frontières »
Conférence de Brice Arsène Mankou, professeur de Sociologie à l’Université de Rouen Normandie.
The journal ‘Political Philosophy’ is launched!
Edited by Robert Goodin (Australian National U.) along with co-editors Christian Barry (Australian National U.), Chiara Cordelli (U. of Chicago), Jeffrey Howard (U. College London), Nicholas Southwood (Australian National U.), and Lea Ypi (LSE).
“Un terrain miné, un travail de déminage ou comment parler de l’oppression des femmes minorisées en tant que chercheuse de la majorité”
A new article (in French) by Anne Iavarone-Turcotte published in a special issue on feminist methodologies of the Cahiers du CEDREF
“Campus culture wars are a teachable moment in how freedom of speech and academic freedom differ”
An opinion piece by Jacob T. Levy published on January 12, 2024, in The Globe And Mail.
“What toleration is not”
New article by Arash Abizadeh in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.