The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Constantine Sandis.
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RSS feed for this sectionOur chance to reduce financial distancing
The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Peter Dietsch.
The pandemic, animals and vegan activism
The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Valéry Giroux.
Trois questions éthiques sur la place des plus âgés dans la pandémie
The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Axel Gosseries.
L’allocation des ressources limitées en soins intensifs doit être basée sur des critères médicaux et non sur l’âge en tant que critère social
The Pandemic’s posts : A reflection from Jocelyne St-Arnaud.
L’avant, l’après et ce qui a précédé la crise
The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Emmanuel Picavet.
Helping the Deserving Poor and Leaving the Rest Behind?
The Pandemic’s posts: Åsbjørn Melkevik.
Fear in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic / La peur au temps de la pandémie de Covid-19
The Pandemic’s posts: Christine Tappolet.
Mobilisation des chercheurs en intelligence artificielle pour contrer le coronavirus : mais qui protège nos données personnelles de santé ?
The Pandemic’s posts: A reflection from Louise Ringuette.
“Is children’s wellbeing different from adults’ wellbeing?”
Nouvelle publication d’Andrée-Anne Cormier et de Mauro Rossi dans le Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
Alan Patten, Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights
Dossier : Book Symposium on Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights Edited by Catherine Lu Catherine Lu Book Symposium on Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights: Introduction Jocelyn Maclure Multiculturalism on the Back Seat? Culture, Religion, and Justice Andrew Lister Neutrality as a Basis for Minority Cultural Rights […]
Pablo Gilabert, From Global Poverty To Global Equality: A Philosophical Exploration
Dossier : Book Symposium On Pablo Gilabert’s From Global Poverty To Global Equality: A Philosophical Exploration Edited by Peter Dietsch Patty Tamara Lenard Special Relationships, Motivation And The Pursuit Of Global Egalitarianism Robert Sparling Justice And Charity: Positive Duties And The Right Of Necessity In Pablo Gilabert Colin Macleod Gilabert On The Feasibility Of Global […]
Mathias Risse, On Global Justice
Dossier : Book Symposium On Mathias Risse’s On Global Justice Edited by Peter Dietsch Arash Abizadeh A Critique Of The “Common Ownership Of The Earth” Thesis Colin Farrelly Commentary On Part 3: International Political And Economic Structures Ryoa Chung Pluralist Internationalism In Our Time Mathias Risse Reply To Abizadeh, Chung And Farrelly You can download […]
Les enjeux éthiques et sociaux du transhumanisme
Le transhumanisme est le mouvement culturel et intellectuel affirmant qu’il est souhaitable d’utiliser les nouvelles technologies et sciences biomédicales dans le but d’améliorer nos capacités cognitives, physiques, notre santé ou encore notre durée de vie.
Donor Conception: The Debate Surrounding the Right to Know One’s Origins
On the legal and the ethical debate surrounding the right of donor conceived individuals to know the truth about their conception and to have access to the identities of their donors.