Ésope Chair of Philosophy
Congratulations to Denise Celentano for her role as holder of the Ésope Chair of Philosophy at the University of Montreal!
The Ésope Chair of Philosophy at the University of Montreal is geared towards stimulating philosophical investigation and research in memory of Ésope, a fabulist from Greek Antiquity. The chair was first held by Frédéric Bouchard (2014-2016), followed by Molly Kao and Christian Leduc (2016-2020), and most recently by Elsa Bouchard and Maxime Doyon (2020-2024). Denise Celentano is tenured as chair until 2028. Her research project focuses on the ethical issues and politics of “shadow work”, namely labor carried out behind the scenes of paid work and artificial intelligence, with the aim of elucidating the mechanisms for facilitating social cooperation.