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Gilles Beauchamp

Positions held

2024-2025 Postdoctoral researcher(s),
2024-2025 Postdoctoral researcher(s),
2017-2018 Graduate fellow(s),


From September 2024, Gilles will be a SSRHC postdoctoral fellow at the Canada research chair on epistemic injustice and agency, at the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité et la démocratie CRIDAQ and at the Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ) under the supervision of Amandine Catala. His project “Religious Literacy as Epistemic Justice in Secular Society” explores how individuals and social and political institutions can properly recognize the epistemic agency of religious actors–i.e. their capacity to produce, use and transfer knowledge.

Gilles is completing his Ph.D. in philosophy at McGill University under the supervision of Natalie Stoljar and Daniel Weinstock. His thesis is entitled: “Post-Christendom Ignorance and Epistemic Injustice in Secular Society”. He holds a master’s in philosophy from the Université de Sherbrooke under the supervision of François Claveau on the epistemic arguments for religious toleration.

