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Josianne Barrette-Moran

Positions held

2023-2024 to today Student(s),


Josianne Barrette-Moran is a doctoral candidate in bioethics at the School of Public Health of the University of Montreal, under the supervision of Bryn Williams-Jones.

After publishing a thesis on consolation in the context of bereavement, she coordinated two subsidized research projects at the Institute of Religious Studies of the University of Montreal.

With her recent involvement in the interuniversity research-creation project The Sociability of Sleep, her dissertation will focus on the rights of sleeping or unconscious individuals as well as on the ethics of dream work. She presented an outline of her project at the 6th regional conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.


Recent Projects
2023 – 2027: Performativity of Bimodal Rituals in the Context of Complicated Grief
Principal Investigator: Jean-Marc Barreau
Funding: Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)

2023 – 2026: Study on the Contribution of the Emotion of Sadness Experienced and Expressed by Bereaved Children to the Reality of the Grieving Process as Experienced in Quebec
Principal Investigator: Jean-Marc Barreau
Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2021 – 2023: The Sociability of Sleep
Principal Investigators: Alanna Thain and Aleksandra Kaminska
Funding: New Frontiers in Research Fund

Publications, Conferences, and Media Presence
Barrette-Moran, J. (2023, forthcoming). Round-Up: Sleep by the Numbers. The Polyphony – Conversations across the humanities.

Barrette-Moran, J. (2023). Sociability of Sleep Graduate Colloquium. Somnambulations II: Critical Approaches to Sleep. Panel moderation: Sleep by the Numbers.

Barrette-Moran, J. (2023). 6th International Association for the Study of Dreams Regional Colloquium in Montreal. Co-organization and presentation of The Ethics of Dream in Three Acts.

Broadcast interview [sleep studies] (2023): Interview with Josianne Barrette-Moran, project coordinator for the InSomnolence exhibition, conducted by The Sociability of Sleep. Les Années-lumière on Radio-Canada’s waves. ici.radio-canada.ca/ohdio/premiere/emissions/les-annees-lumiere/episodes/733076/rattrapage-dimanche-25-juin-2023

Published interview [sleep studies] (2023): An exhibition on sleep gives doctors food for thought. Profession Santé.

Published interview [sleep studies] (2023): Q&A with Josianne Barrette-Moran. sociabilityofsleep.ca/josianne-barrette-moran/

Article [sleep studies] (2023): 6th Regional Colloquium of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Journal Métro. journalmetro.com/evenement/6e-colloque-regional-de-linternational-association-for-the-study-of-dreams/

Barrette-Moran, J. (2023). Activity days of the Suicide Research and Intervention Center, ethical issues and end-of-life practices. Presentation of How is grief after suicide socially represented in Quebec?

Barrette-Moran, J. (2023). Is there a place for consolation in the social representation of grief after suicide in Quebec? [Master’s thesis]. Supervisor: Gaëlle Fiasse. Reviewer: Jean-Marc Barreau.

Barrette-Moran, J. (2022). Sociability of Sleep Graduate Colloquium. Somnambulations I: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sleep. Panel 3: Critiquing Norms in Sleep and Sleep Research. Presentation of Let the Night Owls In: A Patient-as-Partner Approach to Actualizing Sleep Assessment Tools. [YouTube Video].

Barrette-Moran, J. (2021). Sleep medicine underrepresented in medical program curriculums: what are the ethical implications for testimonials and the production of medico-legal reports? Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 4(1), 89–93.