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Abraham Tejiri Tobi

Positions held

2023-2024 to today Postdoctoral researcher(s),


Abe is a doctoral candidate at the University of Johannesburg’s Philosophy Department. He obtained his BA in Philosophy with distinction from St Joseph’s Theological Institute, his Honours and his MA in Philosophy both with distinction from UJ. He was a recipient of the British Academy Newton Scholarship for his MA studies and UJ’s Global Excellence and Stature Scholarship. His PhD, titled “Knowledge in an Online World”, is funded by the University of Johannesburg’s Commonwealth Scholarship.

He will soon start a postdoctoral fellowship at Amandine Catala’s Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency, and at the Centre de recherche en éthique. His research project entitled « Marginal Epistemic Injustice » will be co-supervised by Amandine Catala (UQÀM) and Ryoa Chung (UdeM).
