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Thomas Emmaüs Adetou

Positions held

2023-2024 Student representative
2022-2023 visiting researcher(s)
2023-2024 Graduate fellow(s),

Flagship themes


I am a doctoral student in philosophy under the supervision of Christine Tappolet and  Martin Gibert. Previously, I obtained a Master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Strasbourg (2020). I also hold a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy completed in Togo (2017). My interests lie in the philosophy of technology, ethics of artificial intelligence, and more broadly, the interactions between technology and society.

I also completed a research internship at CRÉ from January to May 2022, as part of my course in Ethics to obtain the master’s degree. I worked on artificial moral agents (AMAs) under the supervision of Martin Gibert.

My current research focuses on the ethics of machines, specifically on artificial moral agents, including the possibility and desirability of their existence. I am also interested in the question of their potential moral responsibility in connection with their possible affective capacities.
