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Véronique Chetmi Eyali

Positions held

2023-2024 Graduate fellow(s),


I am Véronique Chetmi Eyali, a PhD candidate in political science at Laval University, under the supervision of Sylvie Loriaux and Thierry Rodon. My research focuses on gender equality, feminism, notions of justice/injustice, specifically epistemic, epistemic resistance, and the right to speak for Indigenous women. My expertise is built around political ideas and political philosophy. My thesis addresses themes of epistemic injustices as experienced by Indigenous women and the strategies of epistemic resistance they employ to fight against these injustices. Through interviews conducted with twelve Indigenous women leaders and activists for Indigenous causes, I will be able to relate these women’s perceptions and visions of epistemic injustices and their corollaries, as well as the resistances used. A member of the Claire-Bonenfant Chair – Women, Knowledge and Societies (CCB) and the Interuniversity Center for Indigenous Studies and Research (CIERA), I define myself as a woman committed to the emancipation and empowerment of oppressed people.
