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Zoey Lavallee

Positions held

2023-2024 Representative of postdoctoral researchers
2021-2022 to 2022-2023 Postdoctoral researcher(s),
2023-2024 to today Postdoctoral researcher(s),

Flagship themes


Zoey Lavallee is currently a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University. Beginning in 2024, they will be a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre de recherche en éthique where they will be affiliated with McGill University and supervised by Ian Gold and Luc Faucher. Zoey works in philosophy of psychiatry and philosophy of mind, as these intersect with ethics, feminist philosophy, and social epistemology. Their research primarily takes up questions concerning agency, emotion, desire, and self-understanding in the context of psychiatry and mental health, with a special focus on addiction. Zoey completed their Ph.D at The Graduate Center, CUNY, under the supervision of David Papineau.


Personal website: www.zoeylavallee.com