Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2017-2019
The Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ) brings together researchers from numerous universities in Quebec, as well as one affiliated school, visiting researchers, post-docs, and graduate students working on subjects related to the mission of the Centre.
The Centre is inviting outstanding applications it could support for a Banting postdoctoral research fellowship. The Banting programme offers a prestigious fellowship of CAN$ 70 000 per year for a duration of two years. Launched by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) in 2011, the programme insists on the synergy between the applicant’s “individual merit and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career” as well as on the host institution’s “commitment to the research program and environment with which the applicant is to be affiliated.”
The CRÉ offers, since its foundation in 2002 as CRÉUM, a research environment that successfully combines the research agendas of its members. One of the strengths of the Centre lies in mobilizing all available resources to help its members to develop their projects in one of five research axes (metaethics, ethics and politics, ethics and economics, ethics and health, ethics and the environment). The Centre organizes and hosts numerous academic events in these fields. A majority of its postdoctoral fellows go on to tenure-track positions when leaving the CRÉ.
The Banting postdoctoral fellowship is open to all Canadian and international candidates who have completed their doctorat between September 21st 2013 and September 1st 2017. Those interested in applying should contact us with a detailed CV as well as a relatively detailed research project (3 pages max). The deadline for this first contact with the CRÉ is the 15th of June 2016.
Depending on the subject of his research project, the candidate will be supervised by one of our regular member and, with CRÉ’s support, the application will be submitted to the affiliated institution to which the supervisor is attached (UdeM, McGill, Uqam, Concordia, Sherbrooke, Laval, Trois-Rivières or HEC). The second selection will be made by the institution, which will decide which application will be submitted to the SSHRC (before September 21st).
Note that basic French is a prerequisite for applying for a Banting postdoctoral fellowship through the CRÉ.
For more information on the Banting fellowship, consult this web site.
To apply, contact:
Valéry Giroux
Centre coordinator
If you don’t get an acknowledgment of receipt in the week after sending your documents, please contact Valéry Giroux by phone at (514) 343-6111 #2958.