Postdoctoral Fellowships program – CRÉ 2024-2025
Call for applications
The Centre for Research on Ethics (CRE) invites applications for its postdoctoral research fellowship (gross salary of $45,000/year) for the period of the academic year 2024-2025. Subject to evaluation, the position is renewable for an additional year.
The mission of the CRE is to contribute to research in ethics and to the quality of graduate training in all fields of ethics from meta-ethics to applied questions. We encourage applications from researchers working on themes related to the research axes of the CRE : meta-ethics; ethics and politics; ethics and economics; environmental and animal ethics, or ethics and health. We also welcome applications on the ethics of artificial intelligence, feminist ethics or issues related to decolonization and antiracism. We also welcome applications from other disciplines, provided the proposed research is directly linked to questions in ethics. The CRE is a bilingual, inter-university Centre. Candidates must have sufficient knowledge of French and English to be able to participate in all the activities of the Centre.
General rules:
- In order to apply, candidates must have obtained their Ph.D. after September 1, 2021.
- Applicants must have defended their thesis before the beginning of their fellowship;
- We strongly encourage eligible applicants to apply for funding from external agencies such as the FRQ-SC or SSHRC
The CRE will offer to its fellows:
- A gross salary of 45 000.00$ per year[*];
- An individual workstation, if the sanitary measures allow it;
- Access to the services of a university (libraries, etc.);
- Assistance for material organisation of the stay.
In return, the fellows are expected to :
- Pursue the research project as submitted;
- Participate in the Centre’s activities (conferences, seminars, lectures);
- Using those activities to present their ongoing research to their fellow researchers;
- Be present at the Centre on a regular basis;
- Maintain an up-to-date profile on the website and inform the Associate Director of all research activities for publication on the Centre’s website and email lists;
- Submit an activity report at the end of each academic year during their stay.
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria :
- The nature and quality of the research project and its relevance to the mission of the CRE;
- Opportunities for collaboration with the members of the CRE;
- The quality of previous research by the applicant and the potential benefits to the applicant from a stay at the centre.
NB. Applications from the following groups are strongly encouraged: persons with physical or psychological disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, people who identify as LGBTQ2+, and neurodiverse people.
Candidates should send the following documents to the CRE (.pdf):
- Their curriculum vitae;
- An article written or published over the last three years;
- A description of the proposed research project, of up to 1500 words;
- Two letters of reference (to be sent directly to the CRE before the deadline);
- A doctoral academic transcript (if available);
- Completed application form.
Application deadline: February 2nd, 2024.
Please send your dossier, by email, to Valéry Giroux, CRÉ assistant director, at: valery.giroux@umontreal.ca. if you or your respondants do not receive acknowlegment within 24hrs, please write to valerygiroux@gmail.com.
[*] Please note that provincial and federal taxes, as well as other deductions (about 6 to 7% of the salary), will be withheld from paycheques.