CRÉ 2023-2024 Scholarship Graduate Scholars Recipient Seminar – 2nd session
2910 Édouard-Montpetit
You are warmly invited to the 2nd session of the CRÉ Graduate Scholars Seminar 2023-2024. In turn, 4 of the 8 CRÉ scholarship recipients will present their work. The goal of the seminar is to provide our master’s and doctoral students with feedback, constructive criticism, and recommendations that will help them improve their research projects.
We propose the following program:
9:00 – 9:45 AM Presentation by Ann-Sophie Gravel, master degree in philosophy at Université Laval, working with Catherine Rioux and Patrick Turmel: “La rationalité de l’amour au XXIe siècle : ludification de l’amour et éthique des applications de rencontre”.
9:45 – 10:30 AM Presentation by Thomas Emmaüs Adetou, PhD in philosophy at Université de Montréal, working with Christine Tappolet and Martin Gibert: “Agentivité artificielle et responsabilité morale”.
10:30 – 10:45 AM Break
10:45 – 11:30 AM Presentation by Véronique Chetmi Eyali, PhD in political science at Université Laval, working with Sylvie Loriaux and Thierry Rodon: “Injustices épistémiques et résistances épistémiques : expériences de dix femmes militantes autochtones au Canada”.
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Presentation by Alexandre Poisson, PhD in philosophy at Université du Québec à Montréal, working with Amandine Catala and Mauro Rossi: “Import conceptuel et interdisciplinarité: les apports épistémiques de la philosophie féministe, de la théorie critique de la race et des études critiques du handicap pour l’éthique animale”.
12:15 PM Lunch, room 309 – bring your lunchbox!
To participate via Zoom, click here (secret code 758885).