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CRÉ, Parr & Chaire Hoover

Rencontre annuel des chercheur.se.s du CRÉ, du Parr et de la Chaire Hoover!

Co-organisé par Christine Tappolet, Sarah Stroud et Axel Gosseries.

Via Zoom.

Le programme préliminaire est le suivant:

Le 6 mai

Le 6 mai

9h00  Jules Salomone-Sehr (CRÉ), “Dissociated Agency: How to Φ at Will Without Intending to Φ

10h00 Michael Prinzing (Parr), “Meaningfulness as Mattering: Can Insight be Gained by Exploring the Implications of a Platitude?”

11h00 Pause

11h15 Rodrigo Diaz (CRÉ), “The role of emotion in moral thought and action”

12h15 Fernanda Pérez Gay Juárez (CRÉ), “Belief in conspiracy theories throughout the COVID-19 crisis : An ethical approach to epistemic mistrust”

Le 7 mai

9h00   Niko Väänänen (Chaire Hoover): “Should pension (benefit) depend on the number of children?”

10h00 Denise Celentano (CRÉ), “When Your Boss Is an Algorithm: The Problem with the Re-Taylorization of Labor and Algorithmic Management”

11h00 Pause

11h15 Manuel Valente (Chaire Hoover) : “Two Types of Age-Sensitive Taxation”

12h15 Karl Martin Adam (Parr), “The Problem of Supererogation: A Rossian Response”

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