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First annual symposium Everything Agency, Université Laval

25 April 2024 – 26 April 2024 all-day
Université Laval, Québec (PQ) Canada

The first Annual Laval Everything Agency Conference will be held on April 25-26, 2024, at Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The conference aims to bring together researchers working on theoretical aspects pertaining to agency: philosophy of action, philosophy of emotions, epistemology, normativity broadly construed, meta-ethics and ethical theory in connection to agency, political philosophy, political science, foundational issues in artificial intelligence, and philosophy of biology. In addition to the keynote talks, there will be eight slots for papers selected through the call for papers.

Our keynote speakers for 2024 are: 

Everyone is welcome to the conference, attendance is free, but registration is required. Please register by email at lavaleverythingagency@gmail.com. The deadline for registration is April 15, 2024, 9:00. To register, please write to lavaleverythingagency[here goes you know what sign]gmail.com.

Organisateur.rices: Arturs Logins (Laval) (arturs.logins@fp.ulaval.ca) and Catherine Rioux (Laval) (catherine.rioux@fp.ulaval.ca).

If you are a member of the Centre for Research in Ethics, you may be eligible for a reimbursement of your expenses for traveling (by buse or car) and accommodation. Please contact Éliot Litalien (eliot.litalien@umontreal.ca) beforehand to discuss this possibility.


Thursday, April 25th, Pavillon Laurentienne, 1030 Ave. du Séminaire, Québec
Room LAU-1334 (Auditorium Jean-Paul Tardif)

8h30-9h00 Welcome/coffee
Coffee and pastries will be available for all participants, courtesy of Laval University and its partners.

9h00-10h30 Berislav Marušić (University of Edinburgh) “The Ethicist and the Ontologist: On self-Prediction in Practical Reasoning.”
Chair: Patrick Turmel (Université Laval)
10h30-10h45 Coffee pause
10h45-11h30 Derek Lam (California State University, Sacramento) “Not being sure of Myself.”
Chair: TBD
11h30-12h15 Yuan Tian (Harvard) “An Interpersonal Form of Faith.”
Chair: TBD



Participants will be handed a coupon in the morning for a free lunch at Saveur Campus food court in Maurice Pollack Pavillon.

13h30-15h00 John Brunero (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) “Reasons for Action, Reasons for Intentions, and Agency.”
Chair: Catherine Rioux (Université Laval)

15h00-15h15 Coffee pause

15h15-16h00 Eugene Chislenko (Temple University) “Blame as Attention.”
Chair: Laura Silva (Université Laval)
16h00-16h45 Yair Levy (Université de Tel Aviv) “Trying to Act.”
Chair: David James Barnett (Toronto University )

17h30-20h30 Cocktail. The Everything Agency Conference organizers are pleased to invite our guests to a cocktail reception held in our very own ward, the Félix-Antoine Savard Pavillon. The event, where refreshments and appetizers will be served, is courtesy of Laval University and our partners.

Friday, April 26th, Pavillon Maurice Pollack, 2305 Rue de l’Université, Québec
Rom POL-2113 (Théâtre de poche)

8h30-9h00 Welcome/coffee
Coffee and pastries will be available for all participants, courtesy of Laval University and its partners.

9h00-10h30 Timothy Williamson (Oxford) “Decision theory and acting on what one knows”
Chair: Artūrs Logins (Université Laval)

10h30-10h45 Coffee pause

10h45-11h30 Alison Springle (The University of Miami) “Acting for Reasons : An Acorn Account.”
Chair: Pierre-Olivier Méthot (Université Laval)
11h30-12h15 Austen McDougal (Princeton) “Motives, the New Frontier for Control.”
Chair: Joshua Brecka (University of Toronto)

12h15-13h30 Lunch. Participants will be handed a coupon in the morning for a free lunch at Saveur Campus food court in Maurice Pollack Pavillon.

13h30-15h00 Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University): “Epistemic Agency in Action”
Chair: Chris Blake-Turner (Oklahoma State University)

15h00-15h15 Coffee pause

15h15-16h00 Rowan Mellor (Northwestern University) “Why Cooperate? Team Reasoning and Unwillingness.”
Chair: Nathan Howard (University of Toronto)
16h00-16h45 Jay Jian (National Academy of Taiwan) “Instrumental Agency and the Pre-conditions of Ends.”
Chair: Miriam Schleifer McCormick (University of Richmond)

16h45-17h00 Closing Remarks