Reading group in philosophy of economy
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4 January 2024 @ 17:00 – 18:00
Room 309, CRÉ
2910 Édouard-Montpetit
2910 Édouard-Montpetit
The second meeting of the reading group in philosophy of economy, organized by Morgane Delorme and Gabriel Monette, will be on Morgane Delorme’ working paper titled “La création monétaire face au second principe de justice de Rawls”. The manuscript will be send on demand. Please contact Morgane Delorme.
The goal of the reading group is to hold discussions on current articles in the philosophy of economics, covering topics such as business ethics, the ethics of environmental economics, distributive justice in a capitalist context, and monetary and financial ethics.
To participate, you can contact the organizers (Morgane Delorme: morgane.delorme.1@umontreal.ca; or Gabriel Monette: gabriel.monette@hec.ca).